Today we’re lucky to be joined by Keira (@islandsewcialist on Instagram or check out her blog here) for our first Shay pattern hack tutorial. We’ll let her take it away below: When I first laid eyes on the Shay pattern, the skirt is really what caught me! If you’ve been following my page, you’d know
SEW TIER 1 TO THE BODICE With the right sides together, sew the tier 1 skirt to the right side of the bodice main. Finish the seam and press towards the bodice. TURN RIGHT SIDE OUT Turn the bodice right side out and remove any visible basting stitches. Prepare to attach the second and third
Let’s finish up View A! SEW TIER 1 TO THE BODICE With the right sides together, sew the tier 1 skirt to the right side of the bodice main. Make sure not to catch the bodice lining. Remove any visible basting stitches. Finish the seam and press towards the bodice. CHECK THE SEAMS AND TRIM
SEW TIER 1 SKIRT With the right sides together, sew the tier 1 front and back pieces at the side seams. There are three pieces. Leave the center back finished edges (View A) or center front edge (View B) open. View A will have fusible at the center back and should be finished. Finish and
PREP THE SLEEVE PIN TUCKS Mark the pin tucks on the right side of the sleeves. I try to do this right after I cut the sleeve pattern pieces if my fabric is shifty. There are four parallel lines 1″ (2.5 cm) apart. Press the lines in place. SEW THE SLEEVE PIN TUCKS Fold the
SEW THE SIDE BODICE TO THE CENTER BODICE FOR MAIN AND LINING Pin the side front bodice pieces to the center front bodice. Pin the side back pieces to the center back bodice pieces. Repeat for the lining. Sew and clip the curved seams, being careful not to clip into the seam. Press the seam
Unless noted the seam allowance included is 3/8″ ( 1 cm) for joined seams. First, clip or mark notches indicated by ‘T’ marks. STAYSTITCH THE MAIN BODICE NECKLINE Before handling your cut pieces too much, sew a stitch line 1/4″ (0.6 cm) away from the fabric edge on the front and back main bodice pieces