Testing a pattern is a big part of the development process. As a designer, I couldn’t do my job without it, and I always appreciate the amount of time and effort – let alone fabric! – my testers put in to each test. I enjoy meeting and connecting with other sewists from around the world during testing, and I love that I’ve made new friends after finishing a pattern test.
I like putting together tester posts so that you can see what the pattern looks like on a variety of people, the different fabrics they used, and the various ways in which they styled the pattern. As others from the community sew up the pattern, I also save blogged versions on our Victory Tank Pinterest Board along with fabric recommendations and RTW inspiration. We will continue adding to this board as new posts come up.
I want to thank all of these talented women. They gave so much detailed feedback and helped make the Victory Tank pattern possible. Not all of the testers are pictured, since submitting styled photos is not a requirement of testing. You can connect with these testers by following them on Instagram. All of their handles are linked by clicking on each photo. I hope you enjoy the inspiration!