With the right sides together, sew the inseams with a 3/8″ (1 cm) seam allowance. Finish the seams together and press towards the back. Repeat for the other side.

Sewn side and inseams of the Crew shorts are shown.


Put one leg (right side out) inside the other leg (wrong side out), so the rise seams are right sides together. Pin the rise, matching the notches and inseams. Make sure not to include the pocket bags in the rise.

Sew and finish the seam.


Sew the center front pocket bags with the seam towards the inside, finish the seam and press the seam allowance to the opposite direction of the rise.

Crew center front pocket seam is shown sewn and finished

To secure the pocket, baste stitch the top edge of the center front.

In progress Crew shorts are laid on a white background

Crew Sew Along Posts | Getting Started | Interfacing, Pleats, and Darts | Prepare Pockets | Sew Zipper and Side Seams | Sew Inseam and Rise | Waistband | Hem and Finishing